Prof. Noushad Hussain
Email Id :noushadhusain@gmail.com
Phone :7063594144
Head Message :
Principal Desk
A teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge but merely repeats his lesson to his students, can only load their minds, he cannot quicken them.
According to William Arthur Ward, “A mediocre teacher tells, good teacher explains, superior teacher demonstrates and an excellent teacher inspires”. The College of Teacher Education runs its teacher education programs on the philosophy of “Preparing Excellent and Humane Teachers”, one which the teachers and staff are working after tirelessly to achieve.
In this light, present teacher education programs of the college have been prepared with the intention that our prospective teachers, after as going through our rigorous and robust programs become future professionals who can face any kind of challenges of the classrooms with ease.
To make the teacher education program reach these heights, the programmes are a blend of theoretical as well as practical inputs wherein teacher-interns are given lots of opportunities -- both within the classroom as well as in the field -- to test the theoretical inputs so that they can develop realistic understanding of them. There are also opportunities for teacher-interns to showcase their abilities and talents on the various forums available in the college. They range from cultural to literary to annual festivals and sports and games.
I welcome all the prospective teachers to join in the bandwagon of professional teachers who can make the difference.
(Prof. Noushad Husain)
Research Publication of Noushad Hussain
Research papers / Articles in Journals
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Higher Order Thinking Versus Lower Order Thinking Skills: A Comparative Study of Government and Private Schools”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR), ISSN e-2348, P-2349-5138, June 2019, Vol. 06, Issue 02. pp.384-390, Impact Factor 5.75, published by Atman Research Centre co-published by Atman Publishing Academy, Gujarat Available at : http://www.ijrar.org/IJRAR19K6076.pdf
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Impact of Type of Institution and Gender on Personality Traits of Madarsa and Government Elementary School Students”. History Research Journal, ISSN- 0976-5425, Sept.- Oct. 2019, Vol. 05, Issue 05. Impact Factor 5.3
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Perceived Discrimination and Mental Health of the students of Marginalized Section of Society in the institution of Higher Learning”. Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, ISSN-0374-8588, Oct. 2019, Vol. 21, Issue 06. Impact Factor 4.3, Publisher: Gujarat Research Society
- Naqvi, T.F. & Husain, N., “Magnitude of Traumatic Experience of Caste Based Onslaughts Psychological Terrorism”. Think India (Quarterly Journal) ISSN-0971- 1260, Oct. Dec. 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 04. Impact Factor 5.9
- Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “Reaction to Frustration of MBBS Students in Relation to Certain Demographic Variables”. INFOKARA RESEARCH-An UGC-CARE Approved Group A Journal (Group 2 s.no. 15775), Publisher: Editions Médecine et Hygiène, ISSN-1021-9056, Feb. 2020, Vol. 09, Issue 02. Pp. 124-134, Impact Factor 5.3
- Naqvi, T.F. & Husain, N., “Emotional Intelligence, Gender and Types of School as Predictor of Achievement of Adolescent Students” IJCRT, ISSN-2320-2882, April, 2020, Vol. 08, Issue 04. Pp-529-540 Impact Factor 7.97, https://www.ijcrt.org/archive.php?vol=8&issue=4&pubmonth=April-2020 IJPUBLICATION (ijpublication.org)
- Husain, N. & Khan, A.N., “Teachers' Professional Commitment: A Mean to Improve the Quality of Education” Vidyawarta, April-June, 2020, Vol. 04, Issue 34. PP. 36-44, Harshwardhan Publication, ISSN 2319-9318, Impact Factor 7.041
- Khan, A.N.& Husain, N., “Academic Achievement, Stress and Home Related Causes to Mental Health of Madarsa Students'' Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (JRHSS), Quest Journals Inc. ISSN (Online)-2321-9467, June, 2021, Vol. 09, Issue 06, (II). PP.86-96, Impact Factor 6.14.
- Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “PERCEPTIONS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TOWARDS ONLINE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR2107771 , ISSN (Online)-2349-5162, July, 2021, Vol. 08, Issue 07, PP..299-314, Impact Factor 7.95. Publisher: JETIR, Ahmedabad, India. Full paper pdf https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2107771
Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “INFOGRAPHICS AS A PROMISING TOOL FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR2108322 , ISSN (Online)-2349-5162, August, 2021, Vol. 08, Issue 08, PP..c554-c559, Impact Factor 7.95. Publisher: JETIR, Ahmedabad, India. Full paper pdf https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2108322
Chapters in Edited Books
- Naushad Husain, “The Right to Education: A Conceptual Framework” in a book Right to Education: Retrospect and Prospects Edited by Dr. Noushad Husain, 2014, ISBN-978-81-7541-627-7
- Naushad Husain, UNIT IV: TEACHING AS A PROFESSION (OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 1st Year paper BBED104CCT: Learning and Teaching, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-13-1
- Naushad Husain, UNIT I: Introduction OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 2nd Year paper BBED205CCT: GENDER, SCHOOL AND SOCIETY, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-33-9
- Naushad Husain, UNIT II: Understanding Conflict and Hindrances Towards Achieving Peace OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 2nd Year paper BBED207CCT: PEACE EDUCATION, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-35-3
- Naushad Husain, India needs to Redefine the Quality of Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Reflection as an Overarching Value in Teacher Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Education for Human Rights: Commences in Primary Grade, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Maulana Azad and Right to Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Application of Information & Communication Technology in Conjunction with Pedagogy in Schools, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Daqiyanoosi Tarze Khayal se paida hone wali Takhweef aur Adraaki Ta’areef ke zere Asar Muslim Khawateen ki Zahni Sehat par Murattab hone wale Asarat: Mutale’a, 2018
- Husain, N. “Professional Ethics and Commitment as means of Professional Development” (pp 125-132) in a book Teacher Education: Challenges Ahead Edited by Prof. (Dr.) Sajid Jamal and Dr. Mohd. Shakir, (2019), EMPYREAL PUBLISHING HOUSE, GUWAHATI, IBSN:978- 81-939070-8-5